psychiatric outpatient consultation

It is provided to those who have psychiatric clinical conditions that can be managed on an outpatient basis or to those who have been discharged after being hospitalized.

Adequate outpatient control reduces the patient's risk of presenting a crisis that requires psychiatric emergency care or hospitalization. Hours of operation from 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Monday through Friday.


It is indicated when the patient has lost voluntary control of his or her behavior, representing a serious risk to the safety and health of himself or his or her environment, and requires intensive hospital monitoring. This service is attended 24 hours a day.

Admission to this service can be:

a). Voluntary: when the patient accepts his or her illness and is aware that he or she needs medical and psychiatric evaluation for diagnostic and treatment purposes.

b). Involuntary: When the patient is not aware of his disease or disorder, refuses treatment and is unable to self-regulate his behavior to preserve his health, heritage, integrity or dignity; as well as these same aspects of the lives of their relatives or relatives.

DIA Hospital Program

It is a form of partial hospitalization that has greater advantages for some patients than total hospitalization. This modality reduces care costs, without affecting the quality of the services received by the patient. This service is attended by those discharged from the hospitalization or outpatient clinic, becoming a bridge service between the psychiatric institution and the community. It prevents the breakdown of the patient's relationships with their family environment and their usual environment, promotes adherence to treatment and prevents relapse. The hours of this service are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday and do not include holidays.


To provide specialized assistance to people diagnosed with mental illness or dementia that do not require permanent hospitalization and who have difficulty being cared for by their relatives.


Provide specialized care and surveillance to people who, due to their diagnosis, require attention Provide a serene environment, free of stimuli that disturb the patient's stability.
Carry out complementary activities (playful, therapeutic, productive and socialization) that raise the quality of life of these patients.

Patients are picked up at 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Administration of the medications established by the treating private physician and according to the conditions established with the patient's relatives.
During the stay, lunch and two snacks will be offered.
We have an adequate space that allows rest, this if it is considered necessary.
There is an interrelationship between the treating physician and the relatives, seeking to improve the patient's quality of life.
A medical history is prepared with the relevant aspects to be taken into account for each patient. We fill out a daily record for each patient.

Adequate facilities

Occupational Therapy Materials


General Practitioner
Therapeutic Facilitator
Occupational Therapist
Social work
Dietitian Nutritionist